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Inspire leaders to empower and succeed

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equip your leaders

Our company partners with internationally renowned institutions to deliver leadership assessment and development programs to ensure your leaders are equipped with the necessary skills to create a positive impact on the organisation.

Corporate Coaching

Effective leaders are able to:

  • create a collaborative culture and cohesive partnership with their team

  • increase trust and open communication

  • engage employees

  • enhance productivity

  • maintain investment.

This culture and partnership is enhanced by reducing turnover and nurturing more dedicated and competent employees.

Coaching is a critical leadership and management competency. The Coaching Clinic is the only program to utilise the Personal Coaching Styles Inventory (PCSI).  DecodeHR is a licensed facilitator of Corporate Coach U’s Corporate Coaching Clinic, incorporating the use of Everything DiSC personality assessment tool, designed to understand yourself and other people.

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Leadership Development

DecodeHR also partners with the Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute to bring their stellar leadership and coaching programs to Singapore. The Berkeley Executive Coaching Centre is renowned for the quality of their programs and the calibre of their team. Very importantly, they share a common focus with us - building authentic leaders. 


Register your interest with us regarding our senior leadership and executive education programs and we will be glad to share more details. Seats for our programs are limited so as to optimise learning for our participants.


Silega Expedition 

One of the ways through which DecodeHR helps our clients develop their leaders and high potential employees is through decision-making and planning business simulation tools such as Silega Expedition. Silega focuses exclusively in developing and delivering business simulations, and enterprise gamification.  Watch this video below to find out more!