Our managing director Evelyn Chow joined a panel discussion on 19 July led by Grab Singapore to delve into the future of work and to examine how advancements in technology are impacting the workforce and reshaping tomorrow’s organisations.
In a recent article by The Straits Times, our senior engagement manager Iris Lew shared her thoughts on how workers can thrive in the evolving job market. Explore key trends reshaping workplaces in 2025 to stay competitive and future-ready.
Find out more about Singapore’s evolving demand for international talent. In an interview with Crossings magazine, we share key tips for Taiwanese professionals exploring career opportunities in Singapore, discuss recent changes to visa policies, and more.
Navigating the evolving landscape of workplace regulations is crucial for business success. A recent TAFEP briefing, organised by AmCham Singapore, provided valuable insights into Singapore's upcoming workplace fairness legislation and flexible work arrangements. Discover practical tips to help your company adapt seamlessly and thrive in this new environment.
Embracing diversity and inclusivity can positively transform your organisation, but achieving this requires a collective effort to educate and equip the workforce. To understand the challenges and opportunities, we hear from corporate communications professional Jacqueline Woo and seasoned consultant Himanshu Tambe, who share their personal experiences and valuable insights on fostering supportive environments for differently-abled employees.
Our managing director Evelyn Chow joined a panel discussion on 19 July led by Grab Singapore to delve into the future of work and to examine how advancements in technology are impacting the workforce and reshaping tomorrow’s organisations.
Women are underrepresented in STEM and finance, even though research shows that women and men do not differ in mathematical ability or productivity. A key reason for this is gender bias. Companies should counter this by ensuring a fair recruitment and selection process, creating equal opportunities for promotion, increasing accountability of performance evaluations and making women feel welcome by fostering diversity and having female role models.
Connection is more than just an HR buzzword - it is the biggest factor that influences how our employees are motivated to do their best work. Learn more in this research report from our employee engagement platform partner, Enboarder.
We still need to talk about wellness. Even as the world learns to cope with Covid-19, the mental health pandemic is not abating. DecodeHR’s wellness tech partners say that wellness solutions need to be bite-sized and culturally nuanced.
The Talent Games CEO Paul Keijzer talks about the evolution of recruitment and how gamified assessments are upgrading candidate experiences, in a wide-ranging interview with DecodeHR Managing Director Evelyn Chow.
Letting employees determine where, when and how work is done is being put forth as what the future of work may look like. But context matters. Radical flexibility may not suit everyone. Our HR experts Evelyn Chow and Charlene Yong share their perspectives.
Inclusive leadership is increasingly important as a leadership quality which can foster Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace so that employees from diverse backgrounds can deliver their best at work. These are the 6 traits of inclusive leaders and concrete steps on how leaders can get there.
Given the Great Resignation, a leader has to continually engage and motivate their employees so that they can give of the best of themselves at work, and stay on with the organisation. During the Mednefits RECHRGE podcast, our Managing Director Evelyn Chow shared insights on how leaders can do so.
A key HR process which has undergone digital transformation is in the area of compensation and rewards. The pandemic has made it necessary for organisations to have a strategic re-think about compensation and rewards, and that includes thinking about how to deploy technology to simplify the process and maximise its impact.
One-size-fits-all wellness apps are fast becoming obsolete. Instead, Artificial Intelligence and data are enabling customisation at scale, so thousands of employees can have their own personal wellness “coach” on their phones, in their pocket.
We reflect on how we have grown in 2021 - in the areas of wellness, recruitment, offering of tech HR solutions and leadership coaching - and what our priorities will be as we move into 2022.
If you want to be healthier in body, in mind and in spirit in the new year, it takes practice because a habit takes about 90 days to form. This and other top tips from digital wellness provider Wellteq on how to live better.
Against a backdrop of increasing demand for tech talents but a small tech talent pool, here are some insider tips on how to sieve out and hire the best software developers.
Being an Agile organisation is more than following a framework. You also need to adopt an Agile mindset. We explain five essential actions you can take to cultivate and sustain an Agile DNA in your organisation.
How long does it take to become fully Agile in HR? Short answer: it depends. But there are actions you can take to boost Agile adoption, which we outline in this article.
If you are interested in Agile HR and taking the first steps, there are essential things to keep in mind. We go through what an Agile HR organisation looks like, the modern agile principles, and an infographic of critical things to know when going Agile.
While big visions are inspiring, it’s sometimes tough to drive down to execution. With the pandemic and upheavals at work, we hope to walk alongside those who are struggling by coming up with insights and articles which aim to simplify and help readers to operationalise and execute.
Mentorship is more than just on-the-job training. Here is our fresh graduate Jun Jie’s take on the benefits of mentorship shared by his managing director Evelyn in the 7th and latest Curtin Singapore Women in Business Speaker’s Forum.
Many companies want to attract the best talents, which broadens the options from which talented candidates can choose. How can we shape our talent acquisition process to boost candidate experience? Agile might provide an excellent answer here.
Companies are cautious on the utilisation of their resources, hence financially affecting the organisations' rewards programmes for their employees. What should organisations actually prioritise and enhance, and how do they do that?
Our first ever Highlight Reel is here! We have handpicked a few articles which we consider highlights of DecodeHR and we’re proud to share them with everyone. The focus for this compendium would be one of the crucial motivators to employee retainment and work productivity; ‘Compensation and Benefits’. Click in now, to find out more!
Companies are looking to external providers to manage their HR needs as the utilisation of technology by these third-party agencies not only reduces costs, but also betters the productivity in processes and employee experience. Join us in this article as we explore how outsourcing your HR functions would benefit your organisation.
Many organisations, from startups to corporates like Google, employ a type of coaching. It is evident that they acknowledge the values coaching could bring. Not only are companies interested in coaching, countless individuals who desire to unlock their full potential dive into coaching as well. Why you might ask? Join us in this article as we highlight the benefits of coaching.
Coaching is often misunderstood to be a form of mentoring from an expert to another individual. In this article, we will be sharing more on what coaching entails and how it is relevant to you. Read till the end and ask yourself this question – “Do I need coaching?”.
Agile practices originate from the United States. However, their cultural norms and values for the workplace don't always align with other cultures. For example, in China, India, and South-Korea. MIT research explains why we should consider culture when implementing agile practices. Find out here why along with some best practices.
The area of total rewards has been one of the most 'traditional' parts of the human resources function. Following the form versus function line of thinking in design thinking, what might Agile Total Rewards look like if we ask our employees what they need?
With a rise in remote working practices in these COVID-19 times, the physical boundaries between work and personal life are diminishing. Get hold of this opportunity to take a breather. Find out in this article written by leadership coach, Diana Jean (D.J.) Reyes, on how moments of pause could benefit both our work and life.
Spectrum Global invited our Founder & Principal Consultant of DecodeHR, Evelyn Chow, for their monthly member interview to find out more about the company, and the challenges that lie ahead in these incredibly uncertain times. Read here on how DecodeHR advances as we face the challenges in this pandemic.
In our previous article, Older Workers Can Learn Tech Too!, we talked about seven tech adoption factors. Today we'll focus on how we can influence them, aiming to make the tech journey as pleasant as possible. Here is how we can influence each tech adoption factor:
"Researchers at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) found that many times "frustration" with new technology made older adults unsure of their ability to use it, leaving them unmotivated to even try". MIT research shows multiple factors of older workers' technology adoption, these are:
Would you like to discuss these insights or need help in finding suitable solutions?