stay ahead of competition
“Companies are in the business to win, and should always plan to stay ahead of competition.”
As unlikely as it seems to some, having weak or non-existent competency frameworks can severely impair an organisation’s ability to compete.
Robust companies build strong foundations and one critical building block is Competency Frameworks. While the most innovative companies may be able to develop powerful and forward looking strategies, they still need PEOPLE to deliver and execute. Strategies cannot be developed in isolation, they can certainly be dreamed and hammered into existence (on paper) by senior leaders, but these strategies must always be linked back to its workforce. What good is an awesome strategy if its people can’t deliver on it, even if they love it?
Click the tabs below to read more about the HR consultancy services we offer.
Is your organisation in need of an HR overhaul, or have certain areas in need of improvement?
10 minutes is all you need to find out! Fill out a short HR Diagnostics Survey and we will send you a report of our recommendations via e-mail within 3 working days.
Looking to use the EDG (Enterprise Development Grant)?
The EDG (Enterprise Development Grant) for Human Capital Development (HCD) provides funding for strategies to attract, develop and retain your talent. Supportable activities include:
Compensation & Benefits
Employee Engagement & Communication
Employee Value Proposition
HR Management
International Mobility
Job Redesign
Learning & Development
Manpower Planning
Organisation Culture
Performance Management
Recruitment & Selection
Talent Management & Succession Planning
Employer Branding
Employee Engagement
The EDG provides support of up to 70% of qualified costs for SMEs (up to 50% for non-SMEs) from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. From 1 April 2023, the maximum support level will be up to 50% for all sectors.
Our Managing Director, Evelyn, is a Registered Management Consultant (RMC) with the Institute of Management Consultants (Singapore). SMEs applying for EDG support for consultancy-related costs will have to engage management consultants who possess recognised certification.