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MAYOHR: Elevate Your Talent Management Strategy

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the competition for talent is more intense than ever. How can businesses strengthen their talent management strategy to attract as well as retain top talent?

DecodeHR and MAYOHR explore innovative strategies and tools that can help companies elevate their talent approach and gain a competitive edge in today’s market.

Karan Lin, Business Development Manager Taiwan of DecodeHR, examines the relationship between talent management and employer branding, and sheds light on how to improve talent management practices.

This insightful seminar also demonstrates how companies can leverage technology to enhance their HR processes and provide a more positive employee experience.


DecodeHR 將和 MAYOHR 探討創新策略和工具,協助公司提升人才策略,在人才市場中取得競爭優勢。

我們台灣業務經理Karan Lin將帶領大家探討人才管理與雇主品牌之間的關係,並藉由實例分享,一起激盪如何提升人才管理。



Date: Mon 28 Oct 2024
Time: 2.00pm - 3.30pm (GMT +8)
Venue: MAYOHR, 2nd Floor, No. 45, Dongxing Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City

地點:鼎恒數位科技股份有限公司110 台北市信義區東興路45號2樓


About the speaker

Karan Lin, Business Development Manager Taiwan of DecodeHR, brings over a decade of experience across MICE, plastics, and renewable energy sectors, excelling in cross-functional roles such as Business Development, HR, Marketing, and Office Management. 

Karan has worked closely with global leaders across Europe and Asia, fostering partnerships and supporting growth. A strong advocate of the "people first" approach, she firmly believes that leadership plays a vital role in unlocking employee potential and driving business success through a diverse and empowered workforce.


Karan Lin-DecodeHR 台灣區業務發展經理,擁有超過十年的豐富經驗,橫跨會展、塑膠及再生能源等產業,在業務發展、人力資源、行銷及辦公室管理等跨領域職務中表現卓越。

Karan 曾與歐亞各地的跨國領導者密切合作,建立夥伴關係並推動業務成長。她堅信「以人為本」的理念,主張領導階層扮演著激發員工潛能的關鍵角色,並透過建立多元共融的團隊,帶動企業永續成功。


This event is organised by DecodeHR Pte Ltd and MAYOHR