Multigenerational Workforce: I'm Loving It!


I hadn't expect to have two interns join the firm as the busyness of running a relatively young consulting firm can be overwhelming at times. Oddly enough, I didn't think to look for help from this source (hmmm). But thankfully, life has a way of presenting us lovely surprises and recently mine arrived in the form of two bright and lively young ladies. They had sought us out, which made the surprise even sweeter.

Hailing from the two top universities in Singapore, their enthusiastic and committed attitude was equally matched by their quick minds. Their zest for life has been contagious and in the short few weeks that they have been with us, we have accomplished so much.

During this same period, I had the privilege of delivering a workshop for a very diverse group of participants and the focus was on how to engage and work well with the millennials, the post-moderns. The reactions were just as diverse - ranging from openness and curiosity to perhaps, apprehension, and understandably so. While preparing for the workshop, I came across an excellent article from Time magazine:

To me, this is a well written piece as it's balanced and deeply insightful. Most of all, it is hopeful. If you are working with young people (or Gen Y as some call it), it's a worthwhile read. Our young people are here to stay and I think we must stretch out a hand. Let's look for common ground to build that bridge, and enjoy the journey together. Meanwhile, I will be missing our two awesome interns when they leave.

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