5 Essential Tips to Making Performance Appraisal a Breeze


Reading time: 2 mins


Here is how you can discover employees’ strengths with the Appreciative Inquiry 5-D cycle when doing performance appraisals

Performance appraisal using appreciative inquiry 5D cycle in

The 5-D cycle of Appreciative Inquiry is about asking questions and recalling past wins to inspire change and innovation within organisations. It focuses on the positive and involves five steps: Define, Discover, Dream, Design, and Deploy. We can use this method to identify the strengths and successes of employees during performance appraisal and jointly develop a plan to get closer to our ideal future state. The infographic below illustrates these steps.

Want to learn more about how to use this positive approach for performance reviews? Contact us today.

5 essential tips to making performance appraisal a breeze

Infographic by DecodeHR.



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<p><a href='https://www.decodehr.com/news-and-insights/5-essential-tips-to-making-performance-appraisal-a-breeze'><img src='https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5cfede4c6f0e8400015823cf/4ecb7b52-635a-4d5a-83c2-7bbaa5a1c211/5-D+cycle+of+Appreciative+Inquiry+for+Performance+Appraisal.png?content-type=image%2Fpng'5 essential tips to making performance appraisal a breeze' width='700' border='0' /></a><p>Infographic by <a href="https://www.decodehr.com/" target="_blank">DecodeHR</a>.</p>



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