Celebrating the Good Things in Exploring Rewards Strategies
Reading time: 1 min
At our recent joint webinar with LaserBeam Software 'Rewards Strategies for 2021 & Beyond', we dived into Rewards Strategies that organisations could put in place to optimise employee engagement. Here are the thoughts of our speakers, Evelyn Chow, Founder of DecodeHR, and Naveen Veda, Co-Founder of Laserbeam Software.
Naveen: "With today’s changing employee engagement methods, effective and innovative compensation models are required to retain and attract top talents. I wanted to provide our audience with a series of ideas that can trigger new thought processes in the space of compensation and ideate new designs.
When we conceived this idea to present a webinar on Compensation, we knew our audience would be from a wide range of experience and roles within Human Resources. So I wanted to package the webinar to target our audiences with information that every participant can take back for practice. This can only be achieved if we can quickly run a pre webinar poll to ask participants a range of questions to package our presentation accordingly.
This helped us to design our presentation and future presentations. We had a good number of signups and 75% showed up and stayed till the end. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. With this success the onus is on us to deliver much more interesting topics and keep this momentum going.
Thank you all for your support and indulgence!"
Evelyn: "One of the things I learned through this COVID period is to celebrate the good things that happen in our lives and around us.
So I’m humbled and thrilled to share that our awesome team at DecodeHR did a great job of organising the webinar ‘Rewards Strategies for 2021 & Beyond’ together with our equally fantastic partner, Naveen Veda of LaserBeam. It was a privilege to have Compensation Expert, Jon Robinson, join us for the Conversation segment.”
For some current insights on the rewards scene, please click here to access the full recording of the webinar & accompanying materials.
You may also access a sandbox environment within Laserbeam’s Compass which will be made available as part of a free trial! *
*limited spaces available
~Evelyn and the DecodeHR Team
A short 1-minute excerpt of our webinar with LaserBeam Software on 17 Mar 2021.
A collage of snapshots of our deck
[Article migrated from dcHR.tech]