Staying Ahead of the Curve in Executive Leadership


Reading time: 2 mins

Women must not be afraid of competition — whether it's in the organisation or outside of it. (3).png

Our Founder and Managing Director, Evelyn Chow, was featured in Nanyang Business School’s article ‘Beyond Gender - How Our Women Alumni are Redefining Leadership’ to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements for women on 8th March - International Women’s Day.

The article features women leaders around the world in their respective industries and we are proud to be a team led by one such leader.


It definitely hasn’t been easy leading the firm for close to 10 years. But for Evelyn, her leadership journey at DecodeHR has made her realise the importance of inspiring change and grit in other women.

"Women must not be afraid of competition—whether it's in the organisation or outside of it. Instead, they should stay true to their aspirations and seek to build alliances and partnerships with those that value integrity and innovation, especially when building up our team."


While ambition lets the dream soar above the sky, setting priorities is equally crucial to keep one's goals remain grounded as Evelyn asserts: "We don't have to spread ourselves too thin to attain success".

"For me, once my priorities were established, it was a lot easier to decide how to spend my time or invest my resources. With proper planning, I can take calculated risks that allow me to work through difficult decisions while keeping my career on track."


She adds that women have to take charge of their career progress. "Embarking on the Nanyang EMBA was a boost that made a real difference to my career and personal growth.”

I believe proactive and purposeful long-term planning can make a positive difference in one's career and life as a whole.

- Evelyn Chow, EMBA Class of 2016

Founder & Managing Director, DecodeHR

DecodeHR is thankful to Nanyang Business School for featuring our MD, Evelyn in their ‘Beyond Gender - How Our Women Alumni are Redefining Leadership article. Check out their full article here!


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